No Way Out but Through

4. Separation Energy

Season 1 Episode 4

Stories, poems, and monologues with music for that special sheltering-at-home time of your life.

1. Messages (Taylor): A woman sends messengers into the afterworld 

2. Sweet Darkness (David Whyte): Time to go into the dark where the night has eyes to recognize its own. There you can be sure you are not beyond love.

3. Cosmodemonic (Taylor):  If you want to speak to a human being who will sympathize and empathize, someone who will actually listen to you and help you to solve your problems, please press 9 now

4. I am Waiting (Lawrence Ferlinghetti): I am waiting for the American Eagle to really spread its wings and straighten up and fly right. . . and I am waiting for a reconstructed Mayflower to reach America with its picture story and tv rights sold in advance to the natives

5. Separation Energy (Taylor): How will it continue to function, he wonders, if the party in power channels her resources towards some candidate of unknown potential?

6. When Death Comes (Mary Oliver): When death comes like the hungry bear in autumn; when death comes and takes all the bright coins from his purse to buy me, and snaps the purse shut . . .

© 2020 Words and Music by Scott Taylor, unless otherwise noted.
Transcript can be found at

Poetry credits:
Sweet Darkness by David Whyte
I am Waiting by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
When Death Comes by Mary Oliver

SFX Credit Attribution:
Latin Elevator Muzak by achase4u/Pond5
Phone, internal, ring, standard by bigroomsound/Pond5